foodie 、 food aficionado(喜欢吃各类美食的人,而且很懂吃); Foodaholic (特别喜欢吃的人,狂热的吃货); gastronome(美食家,强调美食烹饪过程); gourmet(美食家,强调喜爱美食); gastronomist(美食家,强调美食烹饪知识); bon vivant(美食家,强调享受生活和美食); connoisseur(美食家,强调美食鉴赏); epicure(美食家,强调享受稀奇美食); epicurean(美食家,强调享受奢侈美食); glutton(指就会在家赖着,光吃不干活,不会赚钱贴补家用);
I am a total foodaholic. I'm already thinking about what to eat for dinner when I'm still at lunch.我绝对是个吃货。我还没吃完中饭就想着晚饭该吃什么了。(动图来自于网络)
A: I'm an expert on Italian food. I've been to every Italian restaurant in town.我爱意大利菜 / 我对意大利菜很有研究。镇上每一家意大利餐馆我都吃过!
B: Wow. You are a real foodie.哇,你真是个美食家。
Eat one's feelings -靠吃东西改善坏心情
When I'm stressed, I eat my feelings. You know what they say, STRESSED is DESSERT spelled backwards.每当我压力大的时候,我就靠吃东西来改善我的坏心情。人们都说,“压力大”反过来拼就是“甜点”。
Guilty Pleasure -带有罪恶感的快乐,心里喜欢却不敢告诉别人的东西
French fries are such bad junk food. But I can't help eating them once in a while. It's my guilty pleasure.炸薯条是特别不好的垃圾食品。但我还是偶尔忍不住要吃,炸薯条让我享受到带有罪恶感的快乐。(动图来自于网络)
Food Coma -因为吃东西而想睡觉,饭饱伤神
Last Chinese New Year's Eve dinner, I had so many 饺子 that I fell into a food coma.去年除夕的年夜饭,我吃了太多饺子结果吃完就昏昏欲睡了。
Oh , My God ! You are simply a eating machine !天啊!你简直就是一个吃的机器!
You must have a big stomach.你一定有一个很大的胃!
Hi !Mr 20 Watermelons !嗨!20个西瓜先生!(上次吃了20个西瓜)
I love midnight snack.我喜欢吃夜宵。
Now it is time for me to have a meal . I’m ready to order.现在到吃饭时间啦。我准备点餐了。
Eat slowly . Be careful not to choke.吃慢一点,小心别噎着。
I’d like to take the rest home in a doggy bag.我要把剩下的打包回家。
从实际与老外的交流中,你在吃完饭后与老外说I am enough. I am full.(注意不要发音成I am a fool)老外都是能听懂的.但应该都是中式英语,不够地道。
I'm done.我吃完了。
I'm stuffed.我吃饱了。
I'm up to my ears. 我吃得太饱了。(意思是都超过嘴到耳朵了,不能再吃了,一般会配合动作,在耳朵上画一条线)